82608 UNG_Interconnected Mag_Proof2

6 Lost in the never-ending black, where shadows writhe, Fear wraps its tendrils, as my mind blithe, The paranoia clings, like an oppressive weight, A captive of space’s abyss be my fate. Never-ending darkness, consuming all hope. A tapestry of terror, this celestial slope, Unseen horrors lurk, in that cosmic deep, Where nightmares breed, and sanity begins to seep. A wretched attempt to rekindle hope, Is met only by reification, an insurmountable scope. Try as I might, resistance is futile, The black engulfs all, my new domicile. The stars, once shimmering, now leer with harsh scorn, As they witness my anguish, forever forlorn. The universe, vast and unforgivingly cruel, A playground for horrors, an infinite cosmic duel. In this abyss, my soul drowns in despair, Lost, not forgotten, ensnared in this nightmare. I scream, yet no echoes reciprocate my cries, Lost in space, where horror never dies. N S P A C E