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ii The cover art for Interconnected was the magazine’s first ever submission, back when we were still unsure about whether we could make this project happen. It was an untitled submission, by a Cyber Security major, Alberto Lopez . With its scenery depicting an overlook of the Dahlonega campus and its digital medium, this first submission was the perfect fit for our first edition. The fonts used in this edition were variations of Freight Sans and Mrs. Eaves font styles. Freight sans was the first font ever to be knowingly created by an African-American man named Joshua Darden. Mrs. Eaves was designed by a Slovak-born American woman named Zuzana Licko as an alternative to the Baskerville font style.

iii The purpose of the Interconnected Magazine at UNG is to connect the separate social spheres of each of UNG’s campuses by showcasing the talent and inspiration of its students. We want to give a spotlight to the unique and awesome projects students of every major are working on and highlight the multidimensionality of UNG students of all campuses. Interconnected provides a channel to inspire global citizenship through cultural and environmental engagement and affirms students’ rights to inclusion, respect, agency, and voice within the UNG community. Interconnected serves as a multicultural publication where students can collaborate to share beliefs and exhibit their creativity.

iv Managing Editor-In-Chief Steffani Pass Contributing editors Sarah Carmichael Angel Cummings Bailey Davis Content Editors IsaBelle Kennedy Rebecca Payne Katie Pontious Cover editor Celeste Tvrdik Masthead design Madison Simms Faculty Advisors Ezekiel Black Bryan Dawson Kate Windley MSA Student Liaison Andrew Johnson Public Relations Katherine Brennecke Print Representative BJ Robinson Journalism Professional Shelia Conti Graphic Design Liaison Tiffany Prater

v Missing Clothes 1 Because I Don’t Know You, But I Do 2 Gentle Fate / I am reduced to the thing that wants Virginia 3 Colored Still Life / Black and White 4 Lost in Space 5 Assorted Untitled Works 7 Hamamatsu Matsuri 9 Inuyama Higasa 10 A Random Guy in a Random Bar on 10—27—21 11 Charcoal 12 Beautiful / Losing Sleep / Framed Flora 13 Maneater / Doughnut Island 14 Intricate Work / Proven Peace 15 A Seed Pod Sees Nothing 16 Love Letter 17 Memories 18 Beginnings / Light It Up 19 Sikhism 20 Until We Board, Lord 21 Rainbow Daydreams / Thank You 22

1 Missing Clothes White & Black Charcoal, Tanned Paper Abigail Brown, BFA in Drawing and Painting

2 Because I Don’t Know You, But I Do Rebecca Fisher, Sociology The subway hums by me—I look over and there you stand—I don’t know you, but I do. I get on the train and look back as you hold your little girl’s hand. She looks at you as you lead her to the subway car. You are dressed in your uniform; do you clean at the hotel? Where does your little girl stay? Every day at the subway many people congregate, and I wonder…what research sociologists would conduct to assure reliability of the results taken from this group. What makes these people sense it is their turn to get off the subway as they read their book or drift off to sleep? Would it be as simple as non-material culture? How do these same people sense the overpowering man will let everyone ahead of him, or the small, dainty woman will dominate the sliding doors out? How many people have a destination? Would sociologists have to develop an operational definition to define the steps it takes to objectively measure it? How many times will the cars jolt forward before the man standing at the pole every day, holding tightly, decides it’s enough and sits down next to the elderly lady who looks over and smiles knowingly. How many people have met here? How many have encountered hurt or violence? Would these questions be answered by field research, stepping out and observing those you are so familiar with but don’t know? As I watch those around me, the windows are telling a story of people; people looking at their phones, people waiting, people talking, and will these people be here again? Will they pass on, get their big break, move away, or decide it’s enough and never come back? As I depart the subway, I reflect on how our culture brings us together, how we learn from each other. How every day we communicate in a silent way. Because I don’t know you, but I do.

3 Gentle Fate. Theodore J. Lopata, English you, an ammonite; I, the backdrop to your fossilization. ageless and enduring, we solidify in a clean wet line. primeval creatures settling into the universe’s formation your head sewn to your chest, your chest sewn into mine I am reduced to the thing that wants Virginia Hand-dye painted cotton warp, handwoven linen Roxie Friction, Sociology and Textiles

4 Black and White Acrylic & Canvas Abigail Brown, BFA in Drawing and Painting Colored Still Life Acrylic & Canvas Abigail Brown, BFA in Drawing and Painting

5 Out in the abyss, where darkness prevails, I find myself adrift, as sanity impales. I’m lost in the void, where screams have no sound, In this haunting emptiness, my fears are astound. The cosmic canvas, a tapestry of despair, Celestial bodies, both cold and unforgiving, beware. The stars, once bright guiding beacons, now leer, Mocking my plight, as terror draws near. Not gravity’s embrace, not earthly tie, I float aimlessly, in the cosmic sky. This silence is deafening, like an eerie lullaby, My heart rate hastens, as madness sets its eye. No extrication be on my path, The rope existed solely, to save from vacuum’s wrath. But once the rope snapped, all wafted away. Yet here I be, soon allay. Echoing whispers, the unseen specters tease, Their icy touch, a taunting, chilling breeze. The phantoms of the void, their presence swells, Drawing closer, in the endless cosmic wells. L O S T I Ryan Gentry, Psychology

6 Lost in the never-ending black, where shadows writhe, Fear wraps its tendrils, as my mind blithe, The paranoia clings, like an oppressive weight, A captive of space’s abyss be my fate. Never-ending darkness, consuming all hope. A tapestry of terror, this celestial slope, Unseen horrors lurk, in that cosmic deep, Where nightmares breed, and sanity begins to seep. A wretched attempt to rekindle hope, Is met only by reification, an insurmountable scope. Try as I might, resistance is futile, The black engulfs all, my new domicile. The stars, once shimmering, now leer with harsh scorn, As they witness my anguish, forever forlorn. The universe, vast and unforgivingly cruel, A playground for horrors, an infinite cosmic duel. In this abyss, my soul drowns in despair, Lost, not forgotten, ensnared in this nightmare. I scream, yet no echoes reciprocate my cries, Lost in space, where horror never dies. N S P A C E


8 Assorted Untitled Works Digital Art Hannah Stanlinescu, Digital Art

9 Hamamatsu Matsuri Photography: Sony A6600 18-135 mm Jordan Aethelric,East Asian Studies

10 Inuyama Higasa Photography: Sony A6600 18-135 mm Jordan Aethelric,East Asian Studies

11 A Random Guy in a Random Bar on 10—27—21 IsaBelle Kennedy, English Karaoke and vodka on a Friday night The air is hot and so is my stomach I sit there as the girl in the bar. He looks over to me and asks, “You’re Delilah?” This blurry face with the blurry hair thinks I’m Delilah. And for a moment I wanted to be her. I wanted to be Delilah with the simple life. The English major from the perfect family, The girl in the bar with not a care in the world, The girl that just wants to be that girl in that bar Delilah is beautiful and has a big smile that brightens the room She laughs the loudest laugh. She doesn’t worry about the tomorrow or the next thing on her to-do list. She is just Delilah, the girl in the bar.

12 Charcoal Vine and Compressed Charcoal, Drawing Paper Abigail Brown, Drawing and Painting

13 Beautiful Losing Sleep Digital Art, Spotify Playlists William Contreras, Graphic Design Framed Flora Photography Katherine Norton, Communications, Journalism

14 from “Doughnut Island” Blender, Youtube Anonymous, Cyber Security Maneater Custom-Printed Fabric, Thread Sarah Carmichael, Sculpture

15 Intricate Work Photography Katherine Norton, Communications, Journalism Proven Peace Photography Katherine Norton, Communications, Journalism

16 A Seed Pod Sees Nothing Weston Roberts, English, Literature Concentration I saw a seed pod on the ground It lay with others, and it was brown With seeds that sow from their pocket To find their way to a socket While I remain there, looking down With life’s remains left all around But for the pod, it did not matter An organ cares not for what comes after The life of children that it bore Hear not the meaning of faith no more The path to life those children soar Comes of no consequence If a pod did have a mind And its state remained as I’ve defined Could it know the truth of a star And come to see things as they are

17 L I S Love Letter Studio Jane Ann Dayes, Film and Digital Media

18 T E N Memories Studio Jane Ann Dayes, Film and Digital Media

19 Beginnings Photography Katherine Norton, Communications, Journalism Light It Up Photography Angel Cummings, Graphic Design


21 Until We Board, Lord. Theodore J. Lopata,English There’s a boy my age at the airport. There’s a boy my age, and I think I’m in love with his eyes. I can barely see them over there, but I swear they’re the kind I’ve always favored. clueless to beauty; inclined to pretty things. there are rings holding hostage his fingers they click against the camera that rests in his bag I am sure there’s a camera in his suitcase. on which his fingers perch atop, framed like a mantis. half his face covered with the lens of it; the corner of his mouth creeping out behind the body, extending like locusts toward the innocent. I swear he has a camera in his suitcase. God, are you looking at me? Could you do me a favor and turn both your eyes from the scene? I’ll go to church if you do this for me. He’d have photographs all along his wall alongside portraits of his mother, a woman he adores. And his two little sisters who are scared of the plane and who giggle like cherubs when they see us embrace. God, is he looking at me? Is there a failing on that poster? Yes, the fonts are different sizes. it makes the image look askew like you’re drunk and forgetting that he will see you differently in the morning if you tell him what you want to do to his lips

22 Rainbow Daydreams Acrylic, Drum Cymbal Alexandrite McGarry, English Many of this year’s submissions included drawings, paintings, and mentions of rainbows. We found this very fitting, as rainbows have long represented diversity and unity. Interconnected is a place for diverse perspectives across all University of North Georgia campuses to come together to be appreciated. Just as many different colors unite to create something beautiful, many of our UNG students have created beautiful works to make this magazine our own rainbow. This would not be possible without the Multicultural Student Affairs, the College of Arts and Letters CrossCultural Engagement Committee, and all of the support they have provided throughout the making of this magazine. Thank you for fostering our little rainbow, and allowing the UNG students a place to shine in their own unique way.