HR Newsletter March 2024

In our ongoing efforts to improve the hiring process, we’ve made strategic changes to benefit our current and soon to be employees joining the UNG. Here’s how: 01 02 03 Diverse Communication Channels: Recognizing that email communication can lead to delays, especially when applicants are slow to check their inbox, we’ve introduced a messaging app. This app allows direct communication with new hires, guiding them to the HR website for essential tasks like accepting job offers, submitting I-9 forms, or undergoing background checks. Integrated Onboarding Processes: Onboarding previously involved two steps which caused delays. Now, we request onboarding packets from our vendor as soon as a candidate accepts an offer. Simultaneously, we initiate background checks. This integrated approach ensures paperwork is in progress while checks are underway. Earlier Start Dates and Virtual I-9: We’re actively setting earlier start dates for new hires. Additionally, we’re implementing a virtual I-9 process, expediting the onboarding timeline. Enhancing New Hire Communication and Streamlining Onboarding at UNG These changes enhance efficiency, reduce administrative hurdles, and ensure a seamless transition for new UNG employees. Efficient Critical Hire Processes in CAREERS In summary, our strategic approach benefits both applicants and the organization by enhancing transparency, reducing administrative burdens, and accelerating onboarding. Traditionally, the critical hire process (CHP) was a separate and time-consuming step external to job postings. However, we’ve streamlined this process to enhance efficiency and reduce delays: 01 Integrated CHP within Job Posting: Instead of waiting for CHP completion before starting job creation, we now seamlessly integrate it into the job posting phase within CAREERS. As soon as a posting is created, the CHP is attached via the recruit justification form. This eliminates external steps and ensures a smoother and faster workflow. 02 Optimized Approval Process: The CHP now follows the same approval process as job postings, streamlining the overall procedure. By reducing wait times for CHP completion, we can promptly initiate job creation, expediting the hiring timeline.