March 2023 HR newsletter

Another woman who broke from status quo in science was evolutionary ecologist Joan Roughgarden. Joan questioned the evolution of mating systems from a predominantly male point of view. In addition to his theory of natural selection (1859), Darwin introduced the concept of sexual selection (1871). Darwin explained that traits that hinder survival, such as peacock tails or heavy antlers, could evolve if they provided a mating advantage to males competing for females. In contrast with sexual selection, which focused on competition for mating, Joan developed the theory of social selection (2007). Joan, who was born Jonathan, recognized the equally important female perspective. Her theory of reproductive success emphasized the production of young and cooperative behavior between parents. One of Joan’s critical contributions is the revolutionary book Evolution’s Rainbow (2004). In her book, Joan postulates that although there are two sexes of gametes (eggs and sperm), there is a continuum of gender in adults. Evolution’s Rainbow explores diversity in gender and sex in animals, including sex change, environmental causes of sex determination, same-sex relationships among animals, and the diversity of families found in nature. Did you know..... Women won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2020) for their discovery of CRISPR-Cas9, the genetic technique that allows precise gene editing? Dr. Jennifer Doudna and Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier Women won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (2009) for their discovery of the enzyme telomerase and how it protects the ends of chromosomes from breaking down when they replicate? Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn and Dr. Carol Greider Women led the way in mRNA vaccine development? Dr. Katalin Kariko – therapeutic use of mRNA Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett – Moderna covid vaccine Women led the way in HIV research and drug development? Dr. Francoise Barre-Sinoussi – Identified HIV as the virus that causes AIDS Dr. Flossie Wong-Staal – Figured out function of HIV genes Dr. Gertrude Elion – developed first major antiviral treatment A woman discovered pulsars when she was a graduate student in astronomy, but the Nobel Prize for the discovery went to her male mentor? Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell