January 2022 Newsletter

INCLEMENT WEATHER COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL In the event of inclement weather that causes a campus closure or delayed opening, an announcement will be distributed first through the university’s Emergency Notification System which will provide important information regarding university operations or emergency actions. If you need to update your contact information for the Emergency Notification System, please use the Banner Information System, contact the emergency preparedness coordinator in the Office of Public Safety, or email publicsafety@ung.edu for assistance. Inclement weather notifications are likely to be segmented by campus location, as weather conditions may vary widely in the university’s five-campus area. Should a campus be closed or delay opening due to weather conditions, an announcement will be published by 6:30 a.m. Essential personnel (identified in advance by their supervisors) would need to report as soon as they are able to safely do so. Non-essential personnel and students who do not reside on campus should refrain from coming to campus to avoid placing unnecessary demand on public safety and plant operations staff. Students, staff and faculty should always use their best judgment about traveling depending upon road conditions in their area. 5